New Year’s Resolutions & Lingerie
It’s officially a new year, which means the internet and magazines are filled with ways for us all to get better at life. I’m not usually a fan of those kinds of pieces, because they tend to just make people feel guilty without really helping. So, in the spirit of celebrating fresh starts and feeling good, I’m writing this instead. Here’s how to do new year’s resolutions the Broad way.

The best no-rinse bra wash!
Wash your bras
Maybe this is because I spend too much time with Sam, but I get a real thrill out of seeing all of my bras hanging up to dry, freshly washed. It makes me feel virtuous and grown-up. Like, “At least I’ve got a handle on this!” It’s a way to introduce a moment of calm satisfaction to the chaos of everyday life. And after a hectic holiday season, who couldn’t use that? Don’t try to commit to a regular washing schedule if it stresses you out. Just do it because it feels nice!
Treat yo’self
Put on something fancy, just because. I think we’ve made our position on this clear: you’re your own good reason to wear pretty underwear. Special events or “someone to see it” aren’t required. Treat yourself like a special event!
Get a bra that fits
The only constant in life is change. That applies to bodies, too! It’s a good idea to get fitted every now and then. You can also bring older bras in for a check-up. If there’s a bra you’ve had for a while that just doesn’t feel quite right anymore, let us have a look. Maybe your body has changed, or maybe the bra is a bit worn out. Maybe it’s a little of both! We can check the fit and make adjustments, or recommend something new.

The Momentum sports bra, by Anita
Say goodbye to old friends…er, bras
It’s a bit early for spring cleaning, but why not get a jump on it? Take a look through your bra wardrobe and see what needs replacing. You can do it the KonMari way if you want – does this bra spark joy? – or you can just check for signs of wear. (Oh hey, we have a guide for that!)
Get serious about your sports bra
Isn’t it nicer to work out wearing something that feels good? Something that’s supportive, and maybe even pretty? I know a lot of busty ladies who have spent too long layering crappy sports bras over one another just to get through their gym time. You deserve better!
If anything listed here doesn’t speak to you (or if it gives you the guilt), erase it from your mind. Take what works and leave what doesn’t. Here’s to a wonderful new year!
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