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bra wardrobe Tag

T-shirt bras seem to invite extreme reactions. Those who love them are often devoted, while those who hate them wouldn’t touch one with a ten-foot pole. But what about the undecided? If you’re not sure if t-shirt bras are for

Valentine’s Day approaches, and with it, requests for some sexier lingerie looks. Between the holiday and our recent boudoir shoots, we’re having a lot of fun! It’s also inspired me to explore the differences between everyday lingerie and what we

When you finally find a bra that fits well and is just your style, there’s a panic that sets in after the initial high. What if it breaks? How long can you make it last? Can you keep it forever??

I usually start bra fittings by asking about preferred styles. I want to know what you like, what you don’t like, what you’re thinking of trying, and what you wouldn’t touch with a ten foot pole. But for a lot

Sometimes people describe menopause as a second puberty - and I don’t know anyone who had an easy time of puberty. (If you did, please don’t tell me. I don’t want to resent you.) Like puberty, menopause is a time

It seems like everybody wants to know how to machine-wash bras. Based on conversations with you all at Broad, most folks know it’s not ideal, but don’t know why or what to do instead. I’ve covered bra care briefly before,

Bralettes are all the rage these days. What’s not to love? They’re comfy and cute, and they don’t use underwire. What a dream! But you may have noticed that it’s hard to find bralettes for big boobs. What’s that all

I’d say the number one request we get as fitters is for a bra that lifts. “Hike ‘em up!” you implore, “I want a bra that makes my boobs look perky!” So let’s talk about how this works. Breast Placement vs

People with fuller busts tend to have strong feelings when it comes to underwire. Some love it, some hate it, and many think that they just don’t have a choice. Big boobs need underwire. Or do they? Depending on your