The Bra Fitter Diaries: Why Your Fitter’s Not Fazed
Last week I was reminded that the bra fitting process is kind of weird for people who don’t do it every day. As I was adjusting her straps, my customer looked at me in the mirror and asked, “So, are you just…used to this?” Yeah, I guess I am! And I’ve only been a bra fitter for six months, so imagine how Sam feels with her over-a-decade’s worth of experience.
Awkward is Okay

This is about as shy as Sam gets.
But just because this is normal to us, doesn’t mean it is to you. We do it every day! It makes all the sense in the world to feel sort of awkward while a stranger looks you over in your bra – especially because we’re all shy or embarrassed about something when it comes to our bodies. The first time Sam fit me for a bra, I think I nervously mentioned my back tattoos and blemishes at least three times. I didn’t quite apologize for them, but it was close. Sam couldn’t have cared less, because honestly, what’s so horrifying about some poorly done ink and a couple of zits? And – I mean this in the best possible way – your body’s not that special either. Broad serves all kinds of full busted folks. We see scars, stubble, birthmarks, stretch marks, outtie bellybuttons, and so much more. All normal, all common, and nothing we’d bat an eye at.
Fitters Cheat…Sort Of

Look, Mom! I’m showing the internet my underwear again! (Panache’s Strapless Elan)
We have another advantage in that we’re used to people seeing us in just a bra ourselves. One of the first things we do when new bras arrive is try them on for each other to check out. (We do this mainly because it gives us an idea of how a bra will work in fittings. What body shapes will it fit best? Is the lace really soft? Does the band fit accurately? Trying new stock on and seeing how it fits each other helps Sam and me pick the right bras for you later. Plus, it’s fun!) We’re also the models in most of Broad’s Instagram photos and on this blog. I can say from experience that once you’ve shared pictures of your shirtless body on the internet a bunch of times, you become a lot more relaxed about bodies in general.
So it’s hard to embarrass a bra fitter, but I’m really glad to remember that fittings take getting used to. Everyone’s comfortable with different things, and getting to our level of blasé doesn’t have to be the goal. That’s why we offer partially covered or mirror-free fittings on request, and why we keep cozy robes in the fitting rooms. And if you ever feel overwhelmed or awkward during a fitting, please let us know! We’re happy to take a break and give you some space, or try again another day. And if all else fails, if you really need me to, maybe I’ll show you those bad tattoos.
Colleen Hatz
I love how well you describe what everyone else is thinking, Shavaun. No one is without challenges….and it’s wonderful to know that these self-perceived imperfections really have nothing to do with finding the PERFECT fitting bra.. Can I open the door of the change room ….just a crack… to show you how it looks? Tee Tee…:-)
Shavaun Jamieson
Thank you! And you, of course, can do whatever you want – you get special treatment 🙂