The Bra Fitter Diaries: Back Fat and Armpit Fat and Bras! Oh my!
Being a bra fitter is kind of amazing, guys. It’s such a privilege to collaborate with women on something that impacts every day of their lives, and we have a lot of fun doing it. The Broad fitting rooms hold so much laughter and so many smiles! They also hold a lot of negative body talk, depending on the day. Everyone has something they don’t like about their body, fitters included! In this week’s chat, I’d like to focus on normalizing a couple of the most common “issues.”
Armpit Fat
Sam likes to say that this is the skin that lets us move our arms. Basically, it’s necessary and normal and everyone has it! Plus size, straight size – we all have a little extra there so that our bodies can function the way we need them to. “But Shavaun,” you say, “models in lingerie ads don’t have it!” But they DO. Those ads are ‘shopped to the point of removing basic human features a lot of the time. What I’m getting at is this: it’s worth trying to make peace with this part of your body.

I’m rocking Panache’s Elan strapless bra.
If you’re finding that your bras aren’t comfortable in that area, try a bra with lower or higher sides. Lower sides can give you some room to move without chafing, if that’s what’s causing you grief. And higher sides can cover and contain, if your discomfort is centred on the look.
Back Fat
Again, I’ve heard this complaint from folks across the spectrum of sizes. The truth is that wearing a bra is basically wrapping a big elastic band around your ribcage. Of course it’s going to squeeze a little! Totally normal, and – unless it hurts – totally an aesthetic issue.

Sam’s feelin’ summery in the Bijou t-shirt bra by Elomi!
If it does cause you discomfort (physical, or emotional) there are a couple of things you can try to reduce that. Look for bras with wider or narrower bands. I know it seems strange that two opposites could be used to the same effect, but it’s really about seeing which one works better with your body. A wider band works kind of like the higher side I mentioned above: it covers and contains. If you find that your bra bands roll or flip up, a narrower band might be more comfortable. You could also look for bands that have about the same stretch in the elastic and in the fabric. Bras like this will “squeeze” you evenly rather than create more contours.
The moral of the story is that you’re great, your bod is great, and both of you are so, so normal. Ultimately, you should wear whatever makes you feel best. Just know that you’re not alone – you’ve got a bunch of Broads behind you.