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When you finally find a bra that fits well and is just your style, there’s a panic that sets in after the initial high. What if it breaks? How long can you make it last? Can you keep it forever??

I usually start bra fittings by asking about preferred styles. I want to know what you like, what you don’t like, what you’re thinking of trying, and what you wouldn’t touch with a ten foot pole. But for a lot

You will not believe what we’ve got for you now. Our current favourite is a genius problem solver with a cute name, to boot. We’d like to introduce you to Nippies nipple covers. Is your workplace over-air-conditioned? Are your nipples

Doing something new can be scary. Especially when it involves taking off your top in front of a stranger! Some nerves can’t be avoided, but we’d like to take the edge off a bit. So, inspired by some frequently asked

Sometimes people describe menopause as a second puberty - and I don’t know anyone who had an easy time of puberty. (If you did, please don’t tell me. I don’t want to resent you.) Like puberty, menopause is a time

It seems like everybody wants to know how to machine-wash bras. Based on conversations with you all at Broad, most folks know it’s not ideal, but don’t know why or what to do instead. I’ve covered bra care briefly before,

Bralettes are all the rage these days. What’s not to love? They’re comfy and cute, and they don’t use underwire. What a dream! But you may have noticed that it’s hard to find bralettes for big boobs. What’s that all