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When you finally find a bra that fits well and is just your style, there’s a panic that sets in after the initial high. What if it breaks? How long can you make it last? Can you keep it forever??

I usually start bra fittings by asking about preferred styles. I want to know what you like, what you don’t like, what you’re thinking of trying, and what you wouldn’t touch with a ten foot pole. But for a lot

As the weather turns warmer and wedding season takes over, the demand for strapless bras skyrockets. I blame the clothing designers. They make all these beautiful dresses and tops, with no regard for bra straps! And if you’re fuller-busted, you

A while back, we talked about bra wardrobes. This is the idea that you should have a bra for every part of your life: work, date night, the gym… Today we’re going to focus on that last one. Let’s talk