My Bra Leaves Marks. Is That Normal?
So many of the questions we’re asked as fitters come down to, “Is this normal?” Whether you’re worried about one boob being bigger than the other, or why your bra band flips up, or armpit fat, the answer is pretty much always, “Yep.” But some questions require a more nuanced answer. Like this one: “My bra leaves marks on my body. Is that normal?”
Some marks are normal.

Marks like this are normal. Sam sometimes calls this her “special tattoo.”
If you have long hair, you’ve probably kept an emergency hair elastic around your wrist from time to time. When you remove it, there’s usually a little indentation left behind, right? Wearing a bra is basically wrapping a big elastic band (often with underwire!) around your chest, and then wearing it for 8-14 hours or so. It’s totally normal for your body to react to that! You might notice indentations or a little redness. I sometimes get imprints of the lace from my frillier bras. This is all just because we’re humans – we’re made of flesh, not stone.
Some marks are not normal.
Being aware that you’ve got a bra on is one thing; being in pain because of your bra is another. It shouldn’t hurt to wear a bra, and it’s not normal for a well-fitted bra to cause serious chafing, broken skin, or bruising. It doesn’t necessarily mean that it’s a bad bra, but if this is happening? It’s definitely not the bra for you. If you can, stop wearing it and make an appointment for a bra fitting or check-up. A fitter can adjust your bra or help you find one that’s a better match for your shape and size, and will also be able to guide you towards styles with gentler (or no) underwire and softer fabrics if you need them. (Note: Brand-new bras can sometimes cause irritation because they’re a little starchy. A wash or two should soften things up!)
Always listen to your body.
Every body is different. A bra that’s just right for one person might be borderline unbearable for the next. And it can take time to adjust to the feel of a new bra and figure out the difference between “not used to this feeling” and “actively dislike this feeling.” But don’t keep wearing something that makes you feel bad just because it’s technically correct – whatever that means. Compromise is a part of almost every bra fitting, but one thing you should never compromise on is your own well-being. You only get one body, so be nice to it!
Bottom line: we’re humans. We’re squishy! It’s normal for our bodies to react to things like this. But if it hurts, it’s time for a new bra. You deserve a bra that fits and feels good – or at the very least, doesn’t do any damage.
I just have a question. When I stop wearing the bra thats causing these marks/bruises (I only have 2 bras) will the marks go away or will they be there forever?
Shavaun Jamieson
Hi Gabby! The marks should go away, particularly any bruising. Some marks are more long-lasting, like Sam’s “special tattoo” pictured in this post. Sort of the way stretch marks are permanent, but if you stub your toe the bruise eventually fades, you know?
Shavaun Jamieson
It depends on your individual skin sensitivity! Bruises will fade and go away, but some marks may be longer lasting. Longer lasting marks are usually due to years and years of bra wearing as friction and pressure on the skin can result in hyperpigmentation for some people.
So when I wear my sports bra it leaves are red mark like the band on the sports bra leaves a red mark like if somthing was to tight and left a red mark. So is it normal if my sports bra leaves a red mark around me from the band?
Shavaun Jamieson
Hi Emma,
Some red marks are normal, especially for those with more sensitive skin. When a snug elastic is placed on the body (say a hair tie around the wrist or skinny jeans around the waist), it will often leave a mark. As long as the marking from your sports bra isn’t painful, this isn’t a worry!
doreen todd
when i take off my bra im red and itchy i have to aply a cooling cream where the band has been wether its old or new can u help please
Shavaun Jamieson
Hi Doreen! Some red marks are normal, especially for those with more sensitive skin, however the itchiness sounds concerning! I’m sorry this is happening – it sounds very frustrating. This may indicate a sensitivity/allergy to either a material in your bras or your detergent. It’s probably best to consult with a dermatologist!
I almost always wear bras without underwire, but I do have one with underwire that I absolutely love and truly fits like it was made for my body. While it is slightly uncomfortable when I first put it on (which I attribute to the fact that I mostly wear soft bras) after a few hours I don’t notice it anymore, and since buying it about 6 months ago I’d say I wear it about once or twice a week, sometimes a couple days in a row. Well now I have these two dark-ish spots in between my breasts where the underwire meets in the middle of the bra, each about 1cm in diameter, though the edges are not clearly defined. At first I thought they were bruises but they never ended up fading away… even after a couple weeks of not wearing the bra, (or any other bra with underwire.) Do you think this is just hyperpigmentation? It seems like they appeared with a pretty mild level of regular wear, which is what sparked the concern. I’m 33 and have never had any serious health issues, and am only just starting to experience other general symptoms of aging so I guess it could just be a new-normal type of thing that I’m just unfamiliar with. I’m sure it’s nothing serious but I thought that it was something worth googling, which is when I stumbled on your article. Any thoughts?
Shavaun Jamieson
Hi Jill,
This sounds like it may just be hyperpigmentation! It could be that the bra has stretched a bit and may be slightly loose in the back, which can cause the wires to shift and apply more pressure to your body.This sound may sound counter-intuitive, but you may want to try tightening the back of the bra to see if this helps. You could try gently bending the center wires away from your sternum to relieve some of the pressure. Hope this helps!